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Christmas Delights


A foodie christmas delight, a gourmet delivery of fresh fruit, gourmet chocolates, soft cheeses, cabanossi, cookies, crackers perfect for Christmas snacks.

Christmas Elegance


This season, give a Christmas gift featuring the lush beauty of red roses set against lilies in the purest shade of white!

Christmas Joy


A mix of lush ruby and pure white roses create a classic Christmas arrangement. A simple glass cube adds just the right touch.

Christmas Poinsettia


The red poinsettia has been a Christmas favourite for generations…and for a very good reason. It practically screams "Merry Christmas!

Citrus Splash


Make a splash! Orange gerberas, yellow roses and hot pink carnations are a bold, beautiful gift for any happy occasion.

Clouds of Heaven


As serene as gently falling snow, this elegant white arrangement in a large antiqued pot is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty, a memory that will remain a guiding light to your loved ones for years to come.

Cupid's Creation


Show them your romantic side big-time with gorgeous red, pink and white roses spectacularly presented in a trendy clear glass couture vase. They'll fall in love with you all over again



A dandy arrangement, sure to make a lasting impression, this fresh basket of mixed natives including proteas, leucadendrons, and more.

Dazzle Her


Dazzle someone on their special day with a stunnning vase arrangement. Delightful blossoms and balloon are sure to make their day!